Monday, August 20, 2018

Sacred Geometry

🔮Greetings Crafters of the Realm🔮
Recently I have been thinking a lot about Geometry in Natural forms.
The underlying foundation of everything around us, The living geometry of our lives.
You can see it all throughout nature If you just look closely. 
I am sure you've seen the Star at the center of an Apple

and the hexagons of a bees honey comb

which I recently saw in the blooms of a Gardenia
Like the Fibonacci spirals on the tendrils of a cucumber plant

Or maybe you've seen the Galactic spiral swirling within a cabbage.

or in the seed patterns of a sunflower
This has been very prominent the last few weeks to me.
Sacred Geometry moves us and radiates in All things
from the micro to the macro
Geometry Shapes us!

~Shine Boldly~

Sunday, August 12, 2018

From the Desk of the Crone...

    When I was a little girl growing up there were 5 generations of women on my Mother's side of my family. We really didn't get to see my Great-great Grandmother, Old Mama very much, except at family reunions. It was a huge family. There were so many cousins. My Great-great Grandparents had an enormous fig tree out back. I would escape the escapades of my rowdy cousins hiding under that fig tree. Those figs were delicious! Old Mama caught me out there once, but she just smiled at me and said "eat all you want Renee, they are sure good for you," and she slipped away without revealing my location. She was a small old lady and always wore a long cotton dresses with long sleeves and a leather belt around her waist, and boots. She had everyone in the family's total respect. If you were foolish enough to cross her, well let's just say that my cousin Jackie's legs might
still have a couple of switch scares on them. She was very quiet as well, but at bedtime in front of her beautiful wooden vanity table she would brush her long long gray hair singing the number of each stroke. Her hair had never been cut her whole entire life. After the brushing she would braid it  tie it up at the end with the hair from her brush while telling me that no rubber band had ever and would never touch her hair. Then she would roll it into a tight bun that was held in place by a hair comb. I wish I had that comb now. Well her daughter was who I called Mama-in-the country.
    She had been taught by her Mother how to grow food and how to "put it up" that was their phrase for canning foods. Mama-in-the country had a huge garden. My poor great grandfather worked in it from dawn to dark, everyday. He would come in at 10:00 in the morning to eat. She was always in the kitchen working on the food. I was well adept to the washing as you go system she had with the dishes. I used to tease her saying she was cooking for an army. Then one time she turned to me while wiping her hands on her apron and said, "You know Renee, I am greatly concerned about the next generations coming up. They don't know how to grow their own food and put it up. I am afraid that if this doesn't change, they won't make it." Then she went right back to her work. She was right! 
    We don't know how to grow and put up our food. This has to change. It is imperative for our survival. While you still have the internet, learn how. Better yet, find a mentor and learn from them. However you do it, learn these skills pass it down. This must be corrected. The future of our children and the future generations after them are depending on you. Get It Done!

As always, Be Still and Listen for the Whispers...until next time, 

From the desk of the Crone.

Lost Words that Must be Heard, of the Wise Old Women...from the desk of the crone.

Since time began, the woman was there to nurture. A huge part of the nurturing process was to pass on her wisdom to the younger generations. Her words had special power, just as much power that is passed down in her DNA. Old sayings are called old sayings for a reason. Not because they are old and outdated, but because they have stood the test of time and revealed their selves as TRUTHS. These truths must be remembered and spoken again with good intent because of their  power. In this set of articles, we will go over some of these old wise words ...
There comes a point in the life of most women where an examination of your life is forced to occur. For example Things, maybe circumstances is a better word, that have occurred during her life that have rendered her into compliance. Maybe she has been neglected. Maybe she has dealt with her emotions by filing them away to be dealt with later. Maybe she has even learned to overlook major infractions and buried them deep down inside. Maybe her voice has been stolen from her and she is under the control of others and lost all sense of herself.
This examination may have to occur because of her age or because of her stage. I am going to go with stage because I believe that this can happen at any age really. But there is one sure thing, YOU CAN ONLY HOLD IN SO MUCH. You will find yourself opening up that proverbial filing cabinet to put something else in, but instead it all comes gushing out at once. This can be highly overwhelming , but this is only because you chose to bury the crap instead of dealing with it at the time. Your voice will fight you to come out and be heard. At this point, you have to deal with it, you have no choice but to do so, otherwise it will take you down, make you sick and potentially kill you. You also have to be careful that it doesn't come out as verbal diarrhea. Now you have to be constructive with your words because they do contain power. Power that you have forgotten at this point. You must be heard, especially by you. Recognize that the voice in your head is your own voice. "Truly you are your worst enemy." Here are a few tips from the wise old women to help you get through this .
You may need the aide of another person to help you. Be very careful how you choose this person.
REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE....You are not to hurt anyone during this process. Remember, you know how this feels, you have been hurt and that is the reason that you are at this "stage".
1. You must be heard, so choose someone you know will listen. Yes, I do realize that this can be a daunting task in itself.
2. choose some that will hear you out and not talk over you. Choose someone who will not list your faults. You probably already know these things and you don't need to hear them again. Do NOT accept any, "you should haves, or I would haves" You probably already know these thing as well. "Hind sight is 20/20". Pick someone you can trust.
3. If you find that you do not have access to this type of person, Write it all down, read it out loud. Someone, somewhere will hear you and most importantly, YOU WILL HEAR YOURSELF.
* Remember that you a sovereign being--"This alone makes you worthy"
* Remember that you are precious.
* Remember all of the women that have come before you that have worked to make you who you are and remember all the generations of women who will come after you. TO THEM YOU ARE EVERYTHING.
* Find your voice and both keep it as well as share it. There is more power there than you can imagine.
* Find your peace with yourself.
That is all for now...from the desk of the Crone.
P.S. It has been said, "The brighter the  light, attracts bugs that bite" I say GO AHEAD AND JUST ZAP THEM. Not the person, defiantly not the person, ( you don't want to deal with that Karma ), just zap the negativity.